Saturday, January 19, 2008

Name Trouble

Now...i understand that all of us are Global citizens....Indians at regional attachment to a large extent..and we are proud of this fact..Smug in saying.."i belong to Kerala...but then..i have never stayed there..."
How many of us think its cool to say..." well..i understand Malayalam..but cant read or write in it"?? Most of us take it as a indication of how modern/smart/above all we are..
But then this attitude can come back to bite you on the rear it did to me..

I was filling my forms for US Visa...and in the usual style..had just 10 mins left to submission time when i saw a blank saying " Please fill your name in your native tongue"!!
"Holy Crap!!" i said to myself. I didn't have a clue how to write Siby Mathew.
So i ran frantically around the office, shouting for all Mallu's to gather around and help me write my name. All this wild running and shouting resulted in 3 Mallu's in a huddle trying to draw circles on a page and telling me that this mess that looked like miniature elephants with their tails twisted around could possibly be my name!
Bloody idiots....don't even know how to write in Malayalam.....shame on them,...had i been their manager, would have definitely screwed them in the annual appraisals...
Anyway...during the course of my aforementioned frantic running around and histrionics, i had spotted a cute new chick on the floor silently smiling to herself. The eternal optimist & opportunist that i am, i asked her if she was one of my kind...and Yippee!! she was !! so we managed to pen down "Siby Ma" in Malayalam with her help...but then got stumped with the "thew"...after some frantic calls home and instructions to draw weird circles and loops and curves from my bewildered parents....we finally decided that this is what my name in Malayalam should look like!

I hope the US consulate does not have Malayalees checking my form!!


MLS said...

ur gng to US .. cool :) .. leaving when ?

Mrunalini said...

I can read/write in Telugu ..sadly not a cool dudette :P

A vivid world said...

hehe.. u forget there's a mallu in every corner of the world! ;D
am sure everything will work out fine :)
cool news :) :)

i i said...

dude! finally one of us is getting his visa work started :D

Congratulations, my man! When's the take-off?

don simon said...

ur mathew part of the name doesn't still add up in the malayalam format.[:D]anyway cool reading the posts.dangerous blogs of a "geek-trying-to-be-nutshell"mind.

Simba said...

got the visa :)